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Do you see what I see?????

I spy with my little eye....I see a chimney and a stack! Yes indeed that is the chimney to the new gas fireplace in the attic and a brand new stack for the house from the basement to the top of the house. When one comes up with a new idea for your pottery business, Elemental Claycation, massive renovations have to take place to make this 104 heritage house worthy of paying visitors. The third floor/attic has been a storage space for all the years. This renovation has an electrician who has rewired parts of each floor to get ride of the knob and tube wiring, wire in a sub panel box in the attic for all the new plugs and lights. The plumbers have done incredible amount of stairs of taking out old stack and removing all old plumbing and putting everything new from the basement to the top of the house. They have ran a gas line to hook up to the fancy new fireplace that will heat the attic space. So today, a very warm day I turned on the fireplace and enjoyed the beauty of it.

Elemental Claycation is taking form in that we are nearing the insulating stage and then drywall. I will be receiving the menu plan for the events from the chef I am working with in Wynyard next week to approve. Menu already you ask? With my goal of the first Elemental Claycation happening in September, I wanted the menu figured out so that I could plant a garden around it. I am not a great gardener but I want to be and have flirted with it for soooooooo many years. This year I am aiming on planting root vegetables that can be used in the fall menu.

Every day I spend more time reflecting on this space and what needs to be in it to ensure comfort and connection for my claycation guests. I sit in the attic and reflect, I sit at my wheel and throw and reflect and ask for plusing from friends and family and spend lots and lots of time thinking about the energy of this house, the people who have lived here and live here now and the guests that will be arriving monthly. I am finding this aspect of my business has been a bit of a retreat into my creative brain that calms me. When it is time to do the CREATE work in the pottery studio, I just go in and get working. I have felt the shift to the time allotments I have created for my business and can't wait to do an update next week of where we are at.

I do have a question for you though. I will not have my website ready for taking claycation guests until early August, but should I do a soft launch of the September and October claycation dates? either send me an email or comment on this blog.

Marea Olafson

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